K5 Whiskey - 750ml
K5 Whiskey - 750ml
Sourced from Druk Main Liquor Store
K5 Whiskey is not just a beverage; it is a cherished narrative of Bhutan. Each bottle encapsulates a meticulous selection of aged malt whiskies and organic Bhutanese grains, yielding an exceptional spirit that's both rich in heritage and taste. This exclusive whiskey blend celebrates a momentous chapter in Bhutan's history—the coronation of His Majesty the Fifth Druk Gyalpo, Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck, symbolizing unity, tradition, and the progressive spirit of a nation.
Masterfully crafted by the distillers of Gelephu, this whiskey supports the valiant veterans of Bhutan through the Army Welfare Project. With 65% of the blend composed of 8 to 12-year-old Scottish malts matured in Bourbon and sherry casks, and the rest being local organic grain spirit, triple distilled with pristine Himalayan spring water, K5 is a testament to Bhutan's commitment to excellence.
It's more than a drink—it's a sip of history, a toast to the future, and a tribute to the spirit of Bhutan.
Tasting Journey:
- Color: A natural pale yellow that captures the pure essence of the Himalayas.
- Scent: A clean and light aroma, graced with a delicate fruity essence and a subtle peat that whispers tales of ancient land.
- Palate: A round body greets you with light, pleasing fruit notes intertwined with a soft sherry influence.
- Finish: A smooth experience that concludes with a sweet serenade, reminiscent of Bhutan's serene landscapes.